I haven't even really started the hunt for a diaper bag, but I did see this one in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and thought it was very cute. I know, I know, white probably isn't the most practical choice. But, it's pretty!
I saw this company highlighted in Pregnancy & Newborn magazine and had to look-up their website. Name Your Design is a new company that creates personalized canvas wall art for babies and families. Their designs are very cute and I love that you can have them do a complete custom piece for you. They also have a blog with ideas for nusery art.
Of all the nurseries I've seen online, this one is still my favorite. I love all of the personal touches in the room. Jo from The Scoop refinished the dresser and made some of the wall art. I love the decorative pillows in the crib. I'm pretty sure we are getting that style of crib, so this is a good inspiration room for us. See more pics here.
I was in Land of Nod over the weekend and saw so many cute things. But, these pieces of nursery art were the most adorable. I have been wanting to make an alphabet poster for the nursery and these are perfect inspiration.
This post comes from my friend Alison who has a little boy, Ethan. She found these mobiles at BlablaKids. They are a bit pricey, but I am already trying to figure out how I can make something similar. I have not seen any other mobiles this adorable.
Target has had this line of Dwell Studio products for a while, have been taking a closer look recently. I have always loved giving their receiving blankets as gifts. But, they also now have bedding and some baby gear. I really like the color schemes and designs.
I love, love, love these pants. My good friend Alison graciously let me borrow her maternity clothes and these little gems were included. I liked these pants so much, I went back to Motherhood Maternity and got them in black. They can ge rolled up like capris or worn long as shown above. They are the most comfortable maternity pants I have tried....they're like wearing pjs!!!
I am 31 years old, I live in Chicago, I had twins in August and I have a lot to learn! This is a blog to catalog ideas, good finds, products, stores, websites, etc. i find in my search for products that work for our babies and our family. Hopefully this will help me (and my girlfriends with families and those getting ready to start families) navigate through the all of the info online to find the best "stuff" about pregnancy and babies.
To my girlfiends with kids...please send me your tips and ideas to post on the blog. I need all the help I can get!
P.S. Max Alan and Tessa Louise were born on August 14, 2009.