We've made a lot of progress on our nursery, but we're not quite finished. I thought I would post a few pictures of what we've done so far. Our challenges are that the room is SMALL, we were working with a limited buget and we wanted to find a good color combo that would work for a girl and a boy. We painted the walls a cream color and I found
this Waverly fabric for the curtains. The fabric ottoman we made (my mom made along with the curtains and the pillows....thanks mom)using
Amy Butler fabric and pattern (love her stuff!). We had some extra fabric so we made a pillow for the rocker that's being recovered. The other two pillows in the crib we made using inexpensive fabrics from
Jo Ann Fabrics. The small area rug is from Target, but I couldn't find it online to link to it. the dresser/changing table we found at
Chicago Liquidators a resale furniture store in chicago for super cheap and painted it with a high gloss white and replaced the
fixtures with some we found at Home Depot.
I love how the room is coming along. Now we just need to add some accents on the walls.