So, this isn't fancy or cute...but it is a fabulous idea! I read that having a light that has a dimmer in your nursery would be very helpful for nightime feedings and soothings, so I went to Ikea to see what type of lamps I could find with dimmers. Well, they don't have that many. BUT, what they do have is 100 times better.
This is the Ikea Dimma. It's a cord that you can attach to any lamp and you in seconds you have a lamp with dimmer. I bought one (and should have purchased several) for $7.99, brought it home and plugged the lamp in the nursery into it and it works great! Basically, you plug the Ikea Dimma into the wall and then, plug your lamp cord into the back of the Dimma plug. I need to remember to pick up a few more as this would be a nice feature for lamps in any room.
Who knew it would be that easy to make any lamp dim???