It's been almost three months since Max Alan Cranley and Tessa Louise Cranley were born and I finally feel like I have things under control. Well, really that I just have my head above water. It has been an amazing experience having twins, but very very hard too!
I'm going to try and get back to posting good baby finds as I learn what I like, what works and what's just plain fun/cute. I'll start with my top ten for the first three months. These are products that we have really liked and some that have been life savers. What are your favorite products for the first three months?
Safety 1st Bathtub - fits perfectly in a sink separated down the middle and has drainage holes so no overflowing
Black on White Book - the babies could focus on these images within the first couple of weeks
Carter's Velour Sheets - so soft you will never use anything else
Mam Bottles - these were a recommendation from my sister-in-law and the babies love them
Mam Pacifiers - babies took these very easily from day one
Graco Pack n Play - this one was a lifesaver because of the vibrating bed. Puts the babies right to sleep
Gymini Play Mat - Both babies fit on this and there is lots to look at. They love it!
Medela Sterilization Bags - Great for cleaning when you don't want to run the dishwasher every night (when it's not full)
Aden & Anais Swaddles - These work great because they are huge. The babies quickly grow out of all other swaddles on the market. We only used these for the first month an a half, but when we did use them, they did the trick. Cheapest at Target.
Kolcraft Contours - Because we have twins, it was hard to pick a stroller that met all our needs...this one does
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